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European Union

eSkills for Jobs campaign

The European Commission has launched the eSkills for Jobs campaign that will take place in 2015 and 2016. The campaign aims to raise awareness of the need for citizens to improve their command of information and communication technology (ICT) skills for work. The campaign is a response to the growing demand for ICT-skilled professionals which is currently not met, despite high levels of unemployment in Europe.

@eskills4jobs #eskills  \


In 2017, 1.2 million people in more than 50 countries around the world took part in EU Code Week. Children and young adults created apps, websites, games and many other fabulous things by learning to code.    

Now, Europe Code Week 2018 returns with many more exciting events and activities. Join us and spread the word amongst your community!  #codeEU

EU networks of multipliers

European Banking Federation    

Representing the European Banking Sector in Brussels\The EBF applies a clear policy of openness in registering in the European Commission and the European Parliament’s registers of interest representatives and by declaring its expenses, which remain proportionate to the importance of the banking sector in the economy. All EBF positions are publicly available on the organization's website. Like other interest representatives, be they trade associations, individual companies, Non-Governmental Organizations, consumer representations, trade unions, etc, the EBF benefits from an open access to the European institutions, which are transparent bodies. The institutions regularly consult all stakeholders as part of the legislative process. Banks are natural funders of the economy, where – in Europe in particular – they hold over 75% of the total private sector credit, based on clear, long-standing and reliable rules.



is the first-ever global public awareness campaign developed to help all Internet users keep their data, personal information, communications, and transac­tions safer and more secure online. The STOP. THINK. CONNECT.™ campaign cuts through the cognitive clutter of online life, using an extensively tested suite of messaging instruments used in common by public, private and NGO sectors to encourage Internet users to:

STOP to take the time to understand the risks and recognize potential problems

THINK to make sure there are no warning signs that their safety or data may be threatened by their online experiences and behavior

CONNECT to the online world with confidence, knowing they’ve taken the right steps to safeguard themselves and their devices connected to the web

U n i f y i n g  C y b e r s e c u r i t y  A w a r e n e s s

M e s s a g i n g  W o r l d w i d e

By deploying a common slogan, logo and awareness messaging suite across all sectors and user cohorts, the STOP. THINK. CONNECT.™ program unifies all enterprises using the campaign’s assets into the largest and most resonant awareness program, one that is reinforced repeatedly by design.

Since Spring 2014, more than 260 commercial enterprises, educational institutions and NGOs have adopted the campaign, including ministries of Uruguay, Japan, Paraguay, Panama, Canada, Dominica, Jamaica and the United States of America.

STOP. THINK. CONNECT.™ aims to educate all Internet users to be more vigilant about practicing safe online habits; to ensure that Internet safety is perceived as a shared responsibility at home, in the workplace, and through­out our communities; and, crucially, to transform the way the public and private sectors collaborate to make cyber security a workaday reality. 

Since the founding of the Messaging Convention, more than 260 commercial enterprises, educational institutions and NGOs worldwide have adopted the STOP. THINK. CONNECT. cyber security awareness campaign.






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