- 2021-10-13T08:00:00+00:00
- 2021-10-13T16:00:00+00:00
Prävention durch Aufklärung.
Aufgrund von immer häufiger stattfindenden Cyber-Angriffen auf Unternehmen, sehen wir es als wichtige Aufgabe an, Unternehmer sowie deren Mitarbeiter über die Gefahren entsprechend aufzuklären! Mit unserer Veranstaltung „Prävention durch Aufklärung“ leisten wir einen Beitrag zu mehr IT-Sicherheit und Informationsschutz.
- 2021-10-13T07:00:00+00:00
- 2021-10-13T07:45:00+00:00
Cloud Security – To Infinity and beyond mit Fortinet und Bechtle
Es ist nicht mehr die Frage, ob Sie Workloads in die Cloud auslagern, sondern wann und wie viele. Aber, wie sieht es mit den Sicherheitsaspekten dahinter aus und welche Mehrwerte bietet eine integrierte Sicherheitsarchitektur - egal ob On-Prem, in den Clouds oder hybrid? Was kann man in Azure & Co alles machen und warum die Standard-Architektur nicht ausreicht. Gemeinsam mit unserem Partner Fortinet wollen wir Ihnen in unserem Webinar die integrative Security-Architektur von Fortinet näherbringen. Sprecher: Markus Hirsch | Manager System Engineering Austria | Fortinet Thomas Blaschka | Solution Architect & Teamlead Presales | Bechtle IT-Systemhaus Österreich
- 2021-10-12T23:00:00+00:00
- 2021-10-12T23:00:00+00:00
European Cyberspace Security
EuroDefense-Portugal is a non-governmental organisation that is a member of the EURODEFENSE network, currently established in 15 Member States of the European Union, dedicated to promoting the study and debate on European security and defense, dedicating special attention to raising awareness among younger generations. Thus, it has been organising, with its youth group, debates aimed to Portuguese youth to these issues, called “Tertúlias EuroDefense Jovem”. The Tertúlias (Debates) EuroDefense Jovem Portugal are a space for debate between guest speakers and our young people. The concept is based on a brief presentation of the themes followed by an extended question and answer period. This session will be online. Next Wednesday, October 13th, starting at 6:00pm (Lisbon time), EuroDefense Jovem Portugal is organising a Webinar (Tertúlia) about: European Cyberspace Security. This new edition of Tertúlias aims to emphasize the generational debate, with a view to strengthening the cohesion of the future of Europe in the Conference on the Future of Europe, which will be held in the spring of 2022. This edition is financed by the Ministry of National Defense (MDN). To debate this topic we invite Eng.º Lino Santos, Director of the Portuguese Cybersecurity Center. The registration for the talk should be done through this link: https://forms.gle/G3v7TUgTn9ckg4HF8
- 2021-10-12T22:00:00+00:00
- 2021-10-30T22:00:00+00:00
Awareness raising campaign on cyber security and e-privacy
During the #cybersecuritymonth we are conducting a campaign about raising awareness on cyber security and e-privacy on our social media channels. The campaign represents our summarized work on these topics in the past year. We are working on the following projects involving teens, employees, managers and elders: - Cyber safety and security for elderly and teens - Cyber Security Support for micro and small enterprises - Active aging through digital inclusion
- 2021-10-12T22:00:00+00:00
- 2021-10-12T22:00:00+00:00
Digitisation and surveillance
Anders Kjærulff will be presenting his perspectives on the problems that affects our society and the time we live in. He will be discussing topics like surveillance of citizens and the digitisation of payments.
- 2021-10-12T22:00:00+00:00
- 2021-10-12T22:00:00+00:00
Ransomware: è solo un problema di cybersecurity?
All'interno del percorso di Digital Transformation che ogni azienda sta indirizzando un problema crescente è rappresentato dall'elevata estensione della superficie di attacco. Ma le tecnologie di cybersecurity potrebbero non essere sufficienti, serve molto di più. Ne parliamo insieme a: Gabriele Faggioli - Presidente CLUSIT (Ass. Italiana Sicurezza Informatica) Sergio Feliziani - Country Manager Commvault Vincenzo Costantino - Sr Director Sales Engineer Western EMEA & Israel Commvault Webinar aperto a tutti, sia associati AUSED che non associati. Sarà un webinar in forma Teams meeting standard, tutti i partecipanti potranno interagire con microfono e webcam. Per iscriversi vai al SEGUENTE LINK : https://teams.microsoft.com/registration/rifHvmhHCka4FdsE0Ecfrw,vgd5ktybME2qXziFSBl32w,wO1VE4b4qESTzULymqg3Ow,Glp0b-3CnkunzlsMP4QpAg,GwGgsOs780aH3fqNxURlzA,weNVl3_BTkSckG-qWT-CBw?mode=read&tenantId=bec727ae-4768-460a-b815-db04d0471faf
- 2021-10-12T22:00:00+00:00
- 2021-10-12T22:00:00+00:00
Industrial security – an insight in critical infrastructure
In this session you will be getting a direct insight in cyber security in critical infrastructure when EnergiCERT will be sharing how a sector is collaborating in ensuring the Danish supply of electricity and district heating.
- 2021-10-12T22:00:00+00:00
- 2021-10-12T22:00:00+00:00
The human aspect of cyber security
The human aspect of cyber security is an important part of a strong, holistic cyber defense.
- 2021-10-12T21:00:00+00:00
- 2021-10-13T21:00:00+00:00
The New Global Challenges in Cyber Security - #certcon11
The Romanian National Cyber Security Directorate is pleased to announce the 11th edition of the Annual International Conference “The New Global Challenges in Cyber Security” (CERTCON11) that will take place in a hybrid format between 13-14 October in Bucharest, Romania at the Palace of Parliament. Each year, the CERTCON conference brings together around 300 cybersecurity experts, government officials and policy makers, as well as representatives of private companies from different fields and industries, NGOs and representatives of the academic milieu. It provides a generous space for debates and presentations dealing with various technical and legislative issues in the field of cybersecurity, both at the national and international levels. This year’s edition of the CERTCON focuses on some of the most pressing topics of cybersecurity, ranging from policy and law enforcement to more technical aspects. As such, we will discuss the relation between the COVID-19 pandemic and cybersecurity, touching both the public and the private sectors; the launch of the European Cybersecurity Competence Centre in Bucharest and its larger implications; the prospects of the Joint Cyber Unit and the NIS 2 Directive; how to effectively tackle cybercrime through coordinated efforts; aspects of democratic resilience in the digital age; the difference between offensive and defensive cybersecurity; last but not least, participants will have the opportunity to learn more about cyber-attacks and incidents produced during the pandemic.
- 2021-10-12T09:00:00+00:00
- 2021-10-12T10:00:00+00:00
Security Summit Academy: "Threat Identity e Zero trust: prevenire gli attacchi partendo dai comportamenti"
L'80% degli attacchi, tra cui quelli di tipo ransomware e phishing, coinvolgono l’uso di credenziali rubate o perse. Per questo motivo, in questo atelier vorremmo proporre un approccio alla difesa delle identità digitali diverso dai soliti, che preveda l’integrazione di tecnologie ormai ritenute indispensabili (Next Generation Endpoint Protection, Threat Hunting e Identity Protection), per identificare i casi ed i tentativi di compromissione degli account PRIMA che evolvano in incidenti e/o data breach. Relatori: Luca Bechelli, Luca Nilo Livrieri