Campaign resourcesPromote your event or the Cyber Month Campaign using the resources below:This section reflects the effort of ENISA to support organisations on the design and implementation of European Cyber Security Month awareness campaigns, through a set of guidelines.
Logos/Visual IdentityThe logo comprises two inseparable components: the symbol and the logotype.The two parts together provide a strong image for the European Cyber Security Month - THE KEY - symbolizing security. The four lines of the text form the teeth of the key, while the negative head shape is the bow of the key
Social media covers

Use ECSM branded covers for your accounts in social media

ECSM Facebook Cover 1242x700 Social media posts

Use branded illustrations to support ECSM in your posts in social media

ECSM social media post - Join us See all covers and posts

Social media messages

See examples on how to communicate your message to a wide audience using social media channels

Вече 20 дни работим дистанционно - време е да изградим устойчиви кибер навици! @Europol #CyberSecurity #FridayMotivation

— BG eGov Agency (@SeGovAgency) April 10, 2020

🧑‍🏫 Dacă te întrebi ce trebuie să faci pentru a organiza în siguranță o conferință video online, îți recomandăm acest clip explicativ creat de specialiștii @BitdefenderRO. Nu este deloc complicat!

— CERT-RO (@CERT_RO) September 24, 2020

🔔 Julkaisimme lisätietoa kriittisen #Zerologon-haavoittuvuuden aktiivisesta hyväksikäytöstä, ohjelmistokorjausten asennuksilla kiire! #TTN #tietoturva

— NCSC-FI (@CERTFI) September 24, 2020

See more National Campaign examples

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